Secondhand September All Year!

inside a vintage store secondhand vintage clothes on a rack vintage stuff


As we wave goodbye to Secondhand September, let’s not forget that shopping secondhand can be celebrated year-round! Knoxville has a plethora of resale shops like vintage shops and popups, thrift stores, consignment shops, and more. Next time you need to shop for clothes, furniture, random knick-knacks, or even seasonal decor, browse some of our resale shops around town… We promise you they’re full of unique, funky, trendy, and timeless items, and they might have just what you need! 

Shopping secondhand is often more affordable than buying new, and it is much more sustainable! Rather than sending all of our “junk” to landfills, we can keep it in circulation and turn it into some else’s “treasure!” We also want to celebrate repairing and mending your favorite clothes, furniture pieces, and other items that are still useful after some wear and tear. Sign up for a sewing class or watch an online video to learn how to fix small holes in your clothes. Take your comfy but old boots to one of our shoe repair shops. Consider getting furniture reupholstered if you want a fresh, new look. And don’t forget about upcycling and using what you have for small projects, crafts, and storage – upcycle glass jars or reuse containers and cardboard boxes for kids’ crafts. Secondhand is imperfect. And that’s what makes it so beautiful. 



Knoxville’s Vintage Spotlight

We’ve lost count of all the vintage shops and vendors we have around town (the BEST problem to have)! Our vintage scene is rockin’ and rollin’ – check out our Vintage Spotlight post below and our list of vintage vendors in/around Knoxville! 

 Vintage Shops

Vintage Vendors & Curators

And be sure to check out Vintage Market Knox for more vintage vendors and in-person markets!

Knoxville’s Secondhand Spotlight

Secondhand doesn't end at vintage! We have several resale shops, consignment shops, and thrift stores that make shopping secondhand easy. Watch our secondhand reels below, and keep reading for a list of these secondhand options. 

Resale Shops (buy + sell)

  • Planet XChange 
  • Plato's Closet
  • Play It Again Sports
  • Once Upon a Child
  • McKay's

Consignment Shops

  • Outdoor Gear Revival
  • Katie's Kloset
  • Repeat Boutique
  • The Adorable Child & Next YZ

Thrift Stores

We love Outdoor Gear Revival for used outdoorsy gear and clothes! If you can't find what you need there, check out REI's year-round garage sale. Each REI store has a section of used gear and clothes, so stop by this part of the store before buying new!

Don't forget about good old fashioned yard sales. Yard sales are a great way to find used treasures, and weekend yard sale hopping is a fun way to see more of Knoxville's neighborhoods!

Need seasonal decor for this fall or winter? Try some of our thrift stores first!

 More Secondhand

Secondhand shopping has found its way to the internet – and it’s our favorite way to shop online! We’ve shared some online secondhand ideas below, but the online options are truly endless. 

  • Facebook Marketplace
  • Poshmark
  • ThredUp
  • Craigslist
  • Mercari

We did our best, but it’s impossible to name all of the secondhand options available – please share your favorite resale shops, repair tips, and upcycling projects in the comments below! Challenge yourself to thrift and make your own seasonal decorations as we FALL ;) into October this year, and send us your ideas for a chance to be featured! It’s time to say goodbye to September but never to secondhand!

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