Shopping Secondhand in Knoxville

Shopping is something we can’t escape, even in the sustainability world. But when it comes to clothing, furniture, and knick-knacks, it has become significantly easier to find great items secondhand — especially here in Knoxville, thanks to a plethora of vintage + thrift stores around town! This Secondhand September, we’re highlighting the issues with fast fashion and overconsumption while celebrating locally owned thrift and vintage stores in and around Knoxville. We hope this blog helps you reduce your carbon footprint from shopping and introduces you to some new ways to shop pre-loved goods (or reduce your shopping overall!).

Why Secondhand Matters

Shopping for new items at convenient chain stores may be your go-to, but keep in mind that all new items come at a cost to the environment. A quick Google Dictionary search defines fast fashion as "inexpensive clothing produced rapidly by mass-market retailers in response to the latest trends." This includes brands like Amazon, Shein, Forever 21, and yes, even Target. Clothing is often mass-produced for trends, leading to excessive waste, both from overproduction and consumers tossing clothing after trends pass. In America alone, we threw out 34 billion pounds of textiles (more than 100 pounds per person!) in 2018 (Environmental Protection Agency). Beyond waste issues, most large brands have improper labor and environmental standards for production, as well — hurting the environment and people that much more. 

Overconsumption plagues more than fast fashion, including items like furniture, seasonal decorations, knick-knacks, technology, home decorations, and more. Marketing strategies and low quality products push consumers to buy the next best thing constantly. Unfortunately, a lack of policies and regulations allows producers to get away with their excessive waste production and low environmental standards without repercussions... which means the responsibility is falling almost solely on the consumer right now (but we're working on it!). The best things we can do as consumers are: (1) reduce consumption by thinking before we buy, and (2) support policies that require producers to take more responsibility for their environmental impact (AKA pushing for Extended Producer Responsibility). Read more about how the latter is possible through Reimagine Packaging TN, a project KnoxFill's founder is working on to bring EPR to Tennessee.

Think Before You Buy

Being especially mindful while shopping helps you narrow your purchases to quality, lower-impact, long-lasting, necessary items. Next time you want or need to shop for clothes or other items, consider the following tips and turn them into a new mindset for all future purchases.

  • Do I really need this?” - Sounds simple, but really consider whether this items is a necessity, or is it just a trend or short-term buy.
  • Is this item secondhand, or can I find it secondhand?” - Well, if you're in Knoxville, there's a good chance you can find it secondhand! This one requires patience.
  • Think on it – if you find something you like, wait a few days before purchasing. 
  • Check the material – Is it quality? How long will it last?
  • “Will I grow out of this, or can I wear or use this for years?” - Even as an adult, you can "grow out" of clothes and even furniture and decor. Make sure the item is practical for many years of use.
  • "How was the item produced?" Is there any information about suppliers, labor policies, or sustainability? (mostly for new items)

Vintage Shops and Vendors

We love highlighting local vintage shops around Knoxville each September, so be sure to check out our Knoxville Vintage Highlight post on Instagram or Facebook, along with a more extensive list below. Keep in mind there are TONS of local vendors and popups that don't have a store of their own (a few are featured, but there are too many to include!). 



Local Thrift & Resale Stores

More Thrift Stores

We always recommend shopping and donating with small, local thrift and resale stores first, but there are also several chain thrift and resale stores around Knoxville. 

Knoxville's many thrift, vintage, and resale stores around town make secondhand shopping easy and enjoyable. We may have missed some, but we hope this list helps you on your sustainability journey – and let us know in the comments if we're missing one of your favorites!

Sources + More Resources

Boston University | The Aftermath of Fast Fashion | Ten Concerning Fast-Fashion Waste Statistics

Environmental Protection Agency | Textiles: Material-Specific Data

Good On You | Sustainable Fashion and Beauty Brand Ratings

National Conference of State Legislators | Extended Producer Responsibility

National Library of Medicine | Circular Economy and Sustainability of the Clothing and Textile Industry

Reimagine Packing Tennessee

The Round Up | 17 Most Worrying Textile Waste Statistics and Facts 

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