Sustainable Holiday Guide

You can celebrate the holidays without compromising your sustainability values, and we're here to help!

The holiday season can be overwhelming, with gifts, decorating, cooking, wrapping, and all the waste that comes with it. Take time to slow down this season and be mindful of all your choices as you’re checking off your to-do lists. We’ve compiled a list of ways you can be more intentional and sustainable this season – and we hope it helps you take more time to enjoy the simple pleasures of the holidays.

Holiday Decorating

From trees to lights to everything in between, we know it’s hard to figure out the most sustainable options. Below are our favorite tips for keeping your holiday decorations simple and sustainable. 

  • If you’re shopping for a tree, go for a real tree or a secondhand fake tree. These are the most sustainable options. Read our blog on the tree debate.
  • Ornaments, wreaths, lights, and other decorations can be found at thrift stores all around town – if you’re celebrating Christmas, go to the KARM Christmas Store dedicated to all things secondhand Christmas.
  • DIY decorations are usually much more sustainable and less expensive than store bought (opt for paper, cardboard, and natural materials; avoid styrofoam and plastic).
  • Don’t overdo it – easier said than done, but don’t feel pressured to cover every corner of your home. Keep it simple.
  • Reuse decorations and materials year after year. 

Karm Christmas Store, Knoxville News Sentinel

Sustainable Gifting

Of course, we have our own Gift Guide with ideas for low waste gifting from KnoxFill, but if you’re looking for some more ideas, consider these options:

  • Gift an experience. Plan a weekend getaway, book a pottery or baking class, plan a date to a climbing gym, or schedule a brewery-hop for loved ones. The opportunities are endless!
  • Gift pre-loved goodies. Thrift and vintage stores have something for everyone – clothes, records, decorations, cooking supplies, art, knick-knacks, and more.
  • Gift something homemade. Food and other DIY gifts are a great option if you have a little extra time on your hands! Wrap in a reusable container, beeswax wrap, or a paper bag. 
  • Gift… cards. Yep, it’s that simple. Instead of picking a specific gift out for someone, get them a gift card to a place you know they’ll love – opt for e-gift cards to avoid plastic!
  • Gift local goods. Shopping local means so much to small businesses. Avoid Amazon and other big retailers whenever possible.
  • Gift sustainable, reusable goods. Here’s our plug! At KnoxFill, you can find hundreds of low waste, sustainable home essentials – along with lots of locally made gifts! We have plenty of options available online, but even more in store. 

KnoxFill, 3211 South Haven Rd

On another note, you can take this one a different direction by gifting less. Chat with friends and family about saving money to go on a trip together next year instead, or agree to play a Secret Santa game where each person only buys one gift. Whatever you decide, don’t let the pressure of overconsumption around the holidays push you into buying unnecessary, wasteful gifts.

Low Waste Wrapping

Unfortunately, much of the wrapping supplies used for the holidays is tossed in the landfill - we're talking around 2.3 million pounds of wrapping paper each year (that's A LOT of wrapping paper!). 

If you want to wrap gifts without all the waste, there are plenty of alternatives that make a beautiful, low waste gift wrap:

  • Use what you have. If you already have gift bags, tissue paper, tags, wrapping paper, and ribbon - use it! Start with what you have before buying more.
  • Wrap with fabric. Fabric makes a great reusable gift wrap. Leftover fabrics, pillowcases, and dish towels work well for wrapping. PS - we have locally made reusable fabric wrap for sale at our shop!
  • Upcycle glass jars & metal tins. Jars and tins make the perfect reusable "wrap" for homemade treats - and they're so easy to thrift (or find at KnoxFill)!
  • Fill a basket. Thrifted baskets are ideal for wrapping multiple gifts for someone - like a personalize gift set!
  • Use natural materials. Instead of plastic ribbons and sticker tags, decorate your gifts with herbs, greenery, homemade ornaments, dried oranges, and handmade paper tags. 
  • DIY newspaper or kraft paper. Save newspaper or buy a kraft paper roll add add your own touches with stamps and drawings!
  • Recycle and/or compost. If you want to wrap with classic wrapping paper, make sure it's 100% recyclable - or, try a 100% compostable or dissolvable wrapping paper!

PS - no one said you HAD to wrap a gift, so feel free to leave it unwrapped!

Cooking for Others

Most holiday gatherings involve food. The most important thing is that all the food is eaten, and none of it goes to waste! Below other decisions you can make to make your food more sustainable:

  • Compost all your food scraps. If you don't have a home compost, check out the City of Knoxville's compost program - and make sure to follow their guidelines!
  • Shop local. Local farmers markets and small grocery stores have local produce, dairy, meats, and more. The biggest farmers market in town is open through most of the winter - learn more here.
  • BYO container for bulk foods. Three Rivers Market has dozens of bulk foods for filling, and you can bring your own containers - just have them weighed at the register first!
  • Try a plant-forward menu. There's no doubt that plant-based foods are overall more sustainable than animal-based foods. We're not saying you should give up any of your favorite foods, but try incorporating more plants and reducing animal products when possible!
  • Use reusables. Always opt for reusable dishes, napkins, and leftover containers. If your hosting for a big group, consider a BYO plate request, or thrift a large, mismatched party set of dishes for events!

City of Knoxville Compost Project

Changing Your Mindset

This is really where the solution lies - your mindset! Just like with other sustainability choices and important values, you have to make an intentional decision to make more sustainable choices during the holidays, even if it means sacrificing some things. It'll be worth it when you see how much you reduced your holiday waste!

We hope this is helpful as you celebrate the holidays this year. Please share your own tips and ideas in the comments! Happy holidays from our team. <3

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