Locally made in Knoxville, TN, this castile soap has a nice lather and can be used as hand soap, bath soap, dish cleaner, multi-purpose cleaner, and much more.
Castile soap works great to make a foaming hand soap. Simply mix equal parts soap and water and put them in your favorite foaming soap dispenser!
Ingredients: filtered water, organic extra virgin olive oil, organic coconut oil, vegetable glycerine, potassium hydroxide (lye), and essential oils (if scented).
Delivery swap instructions: When you order again, on your next delivery day leave all empty containers and caps on your doorstep in the delivery bag. We'll leave your new order and take the empty containers to clean, sanitize, and reuse. If you're not done with your product, just wait until your next order.
Pickup swap instructions: On your next pickup, bring your empties in your KnoxFill tote bag. When you take your new order, leave your bag with your empties. If you're not done with your product, just wait until your next order.